Friday, May 11, 2012

Can a Gay be Against Gay Marriage? Yes! : Part 1

I know this is a devisive issue, especially for people I know personally. As someone who legally got married to a man in Iowa, almost two years ago, then separated a few months later, gay marriage hits home to me very personlly. I never dreamed I would get married and just a few short months later be left with a husband who didn't want to be married to me. It is very difficult for us to get a divorce. We tried to get an annulment since it wasn't legal in Missouri, but it was dismissed due to a similar case as ours, but with two lesbians. We were unaware of their case when we filed for our annulment. They appealed which is expensive, like $10k, but the Missouri Appeals court ruled that Missouri courts do not have jurisdiction to rule on common law or same sex marriages. Therefore we can't annul our marriage or get a divorce in Missouri. Our options are limited. One of us would have to live in Iowa for a year before we could file or one of us could move to a state where gay marriage is legal and we don't have to wait a whole year to file for divorce. This whole experience and my libertarianism has changed my opinion of the government being involved in marriage, period, whether heterosexual or homosexual. Marriage originally was recognized and performed by religious institutions. Our government has used marriage, in my opinion, solely to get more money. I don't think the government should be involved at all in recognizing or establishing who can get married. The unfortunate thing is that marriage controlled by our government limits rights to homosexuals. The government needs to get out of our personal lives and focus on getting out of debt and protecting our country. If someone wants to call their relationship a marriage, then they should be able to. If they can't or are not allowed by the government or religious institutions, they should still be able to have every single right that anyone else does in a "marriage." Our Declaration of Independence is clear as far as the governments role in our lives... "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness." Let's focus our attention elsewhere, gay community and allies. I understand why we want marriage equality from the government. I do, but as a libertarian, I think our focus should be just getting the government out of our personal lives and let those in our communities face the moral questions instead of bringing the moral aspect of the issue to the government to figure out.

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