Sunday, March 25, 2012


One of the most fulfilling things in life, in my opinion, is being vulnerable.  It breeds vulnerability in whoever you are being vulnerable too.

If you love someone, or someone has impacted your life, please tell them now.  Don't wait till tomorrow. You have no idea how just a few words can impact a person's life.

I am so blessed to have the family and friends that I have in my life.  I have an incredible support circle.  My struggles in life are small in comparison to others I know.  I believe it is important to be true to who you are and honest with who you are and most importantly true and honest with your support circle.  You may have no idea how relatable you may be to someone else in your life, if you open up.

I realize there is a time and a place to be open about what is going on in your life.  Maybe it is with a co-worker, best friend, relative, or even a complete stranger who you will talk to.  I know there are times when we are called to be professional and keep our private lives to ourselves. In reality, however, where do you spend most of your time during a week? Most of us could say at work.

Through my almost 26 years of living on this earth, I can say, and my colleagues would agree, that I am probably more open about my life than anyone else they have ever worked with in a professional setting.

Could that get me in trouble? Maybe. I think, however, that it is so important to be real and vulnerable with who you work with, if you trust them.

I have been blessed with people who I work(ed) with at Starbucks and Two West who I deeply care(d) about and who likewise care(d) about me.

I received an e-mail this past Friday from a former colleague.  This person shared things about their life that I had no idea about during the time I worked with this person.  These words below made me cry, in a good way. Please realize how important it is to treat everyone around you with respect and dignity.  A smile and a positive attitude can do wonders.  If your faith is important to you, share it with others in a natural and respectful way.
The following is a portion that was written to me...
"Coming in here day after day and seeing your cheerful smile and bubbly personality helped ease all of my fears. You have endured a lot in your life and your strength and courage was inspiring. It emphasized the fact that everything was really going to be alright, despite how upset I really was. You were an escape for me when I needed it. I am sorry I haven't shared this with you sooner, but I want you to know what a positive impact you have had on my life. You made me happy when I was sad and you shared with me the strength and courage it takes to overcome the worst of situations. So thank you. Thank you for being my friend."
I don't want to go into specifics about why this person was upset.

I will say that I have unfortunately had several friends and acquaintances end their lives for one reason or another.

It is so hard for those who are left behind with unanswered questions to wonder if there was something they could have done differently or we continually ask the question, "Why?"
I have experienced death a lot during my life so far.  I had a classmate and cousin in third grade pass away from a car accident.  It was so difficult for our entire class.  We are approaching the 16th anniversary of her death on April 24th.  I can still picture her in my mind smiling.  I remember vividly the night my mom received the phone call and told me the news.

When my class graduated in 2005 from high school, we had three classmates who had passed away from car accidents.  Needless to say, despite our cliches, we never had an issue coming together as a class.  It was that experience that showed me that no matter who we are or what are past is we can unite in a peaceful manner and bring about positive change.

Many of you know that I struggled with my sexuality and how that fit with my faith.  I have had thoughts of suicide.  I have dealt with depression and anxiety.

Recently, I was diagnosed with bipolar 2.  The difference between 2 and 1 is that I deal with more of the lows than the highs.  Mental health illnesses are not something to be ignored or dismissed.  I could choose to not talk about my mental health, but I believe that me talking about it may help someone who is experiencing similar things feel comfortable to talk to me or someone else.

I digress to say again how important it is to tell those around you what they mean to you and why.

We live in a world that is touch and go and I am a victim myself of trying to do more than I should.  We cram so much into our schedule.  Some of those things may be of high importance and priority. If there are things that are taking up your time from giving yourself time to relax and time to spend with loved ones, please consider cutting some things out of your life.

I am just one person on this planet.  Why should you take the time to read what I have written?  That is up to you to decide, but if you are reading this now, then I believe you could agree with me that it is important to be vulnerable at certain times.

My former colleague was being vulnerable on Friday when that email was written to me.  I am being vulnerable now.  Vulnerability breeds vulnerability...see???

Give it a try!

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